Darren Kleven
Empowerment is the goal of the training, motivation and creativity that Darren weaves into his classroom, gymnasium or workshop venues. He strives to empower individuals, companies and organizations not only to develop best practices but also to balance the holistic humanistic aspect of business with the profitability and pragmatic needs of operations. “Teaching is what I do…it is who I am…it infuses everything that I do whether walking with you through the woods or speaking in front of 1,000 delegates.” - DRK
Darren has taught things to Police and Soldiers and he has taught things to street kids. He has taught seniors and children about how to feel better or to be better. He has taught health professionals about how to get along as well as new entrepreneurs about how to be successful. He has done workshops for little tiny groups as well as large companies like Vale (INCO). His formal education is in Business, Transportation, Personal Fitness and the Martial Arts. Though he honours the pieces of paper earned in these pursuits, his real education has been his inward exploration applied to the world without.
“Beware though…I like to talk and teach about serious things…but I rarely take things too seriously; and I encourage people to do likewise.” - DRK